As your age advances, facial skin begins to lose its natural elastic nature. This is when wrinkles and creases start to form. Specifically, when forehead skin starts to sag, the eyebrows can droop, leading to a heavy brow. A forehead lift addresses these issues.
A forehead lift is recommended for patients who are bothered by a saggy brow, which may include heavy upper eyelids and other visible signs of aging. With this procedure, the brow is lifted to create a more youthful, attractive appearance. This type of surgery can also be performed in conjunction with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as eyelid surgery or a facelift.
Dr. Steinbacher often recommends a forehead lift for the correction of sagging eyebrows that make an individual appear grumpy, sad, or worried. The procedure also improves the appearance of deep, horizontal folds etched across the forehead, as well as frown lines that form between the eyebrows or at the top the nose. In some cases, fatty tissue or excessive skin may have caused the “hanging” of the skin over the eyes. Patients with these kinds of issues can benefit from a forehead lift.
At our New Haven facial rejuvenation practice, our patients are given specific preoperative instructions to help make the procedure successful. Some instructions you can expect to receive include:
Also known as a brow lift, a forehead lift involves tightening of the skin and soft tissues of the forehead to counter the effects of gravity and restore the youthful integrity of the forehead, the eyebrows, and the upper eyelids. There are several forehead lift techniques available. Each method involves different locations and incision lengths. An endoscopic forehead lift involves the use of an endoscope to limit the size of the incisions, and avoid disturbing hair growth.
A forehead lift is also called a brow lift because when we lift the forehead tissue, the eyebrows naturally return to a more youthful position above the eyes. You may be a good candidate for this procedure if your eyebrows don’t sit along the bony ridge over your eye. When the brow line is much lower than that point, the upper eyelids might look heavy. Another reason you may be interested in a forehead lift is that you want to eliminate deep horizontal creases across your forehead or vertical lines between your eyebrows. A forehead lift can address one or all of these concerns.
Age is less of a factor in being a good candidate for a forehead lift than you might think. Some people undergo this surgery well before they’ve come into mid-life because low-sitting eyebrows run in their family. A forehead lift can open up the eyes and make the face appear not only younger but friendlier, as well. If you’re curious about what a forehead lift can achieve in your case, schedule a consultation. Dr. Steinbacher will listen closely to understand your concerns and goals and will discuss how a forehead lift might help. Clear expectations are set during this visit so you can make the most informed decision about your care.
The forehead lift can accomplish outstanding results that beautifully refresh the face. Some of the benefits of this outpatient procedure include looking more awake, having a youthful eyebrow curvature, a smooth forehead, and a friendlier-looking face. Patients also appreciate that they can schedule this procedure as an outpatient surgery, which allows them to return home to recover in a comfortable space that is familiar to them.
Depending on the technique that is most appropriate for the forehead lift, the doctor may perform the surgery using a local anesthetic. In most cases, however, due to the length and complexity of the procedure, we use general anesthesia. This ensures that you’re comfortable and able to lie completely still while the doctor addresses your cosmetic concerns. General anesthesia safely affects the central nervous system so you remain in a controlled sleep-like state and do not feel any pain. During surgery with general anesthesia, a board-certified anesthesiologist monitors your vital signs to ensure the right level of sedation is maintained. Once you are alert and can stand with little assistance, a loved one can drive you home from the surgery center. It is recommended that you have someone stay with you for at least 24 hours after surgery.
You can expect to notice changes in your appearance the same day you have surgery. That said, you’ll also notice swelling and maybe some bruising. It can take from two to four weeks for these side effects to resolve enough to reveal more prominent improvements.
A forehead lift can achieve rejuvenation that lasts many years. You may never repeat this procedure. However, having this or any other kind of lift does not prevent further aging. At some point, your skin may loosen to the point at which lines and creases return. Fortunately, there are habits you can implement, such as wearing sunscreen, and treatments you can schedule to periodically stimulate natural tissue regeneration. We offer a variety of non-surgical services that can help prolong the results of the forehead lift, and we’re happy to discuss them with you!
Yes! The forehead lift rejuvenates the very uppermost region of the face. It may reduce the prominence of heavy upper eyelids, but you may want more dramatic rejuvenation. Sometimes, the eyelid tissue itself is loose and droopy. For more comprehensive rejuvenation, you can combine your forehead lift with upper or lower blepharoplasty. This procedure can also be combined with a facelift for a full-face refresh. We want to know your cosmetic wishes when you visit us! This will allow Dr. Steinbacher to develop a treatment plan just for you. Which procedures you decide to have is fully up to you, but you’ll have a roadmap that can guide your decision.
Some patients will have a headache postoperatively which is easily relieved with mild pain medication. Bruising and swelling are common, and usually completely resolved in two weeks. Strenuous activity is limited for two weeks.
Dr. Derek Steinbacher has devoted his life to
aesthetic and life-changing surgery. He is an artistic and meticulous surgeon who draws patients
from around the world due to his perspective, unmatched skill, and exceptional results. He is able
to uniquely address the face (facelift +
rejuvenation), jawline (orthognathic; chin; contouring; implants), nasal (rhinoplasty), eyelids, profile, neck, breast, and body with
one-of-a-kind results.
He is a multiple Board-Certified, Fellowship-Trained Plastic, Cosmetic, and Cranio-Maxillofacial
Surgery. He is Fellow of the most prestigious surgical organizations, including the Society of
Plastic Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the
Academy of Facial
Plastic Surgery, Societies of Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery, the Aesthetic
Society, and the Rhinoplasty Society. He has served as Full-Professor
of Plastic Surgery at Yale, including Director of the Cleft and Craniofacial Program, and Chief of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Dr. Steinbacher has unparalleled training at premier institutions,
including Harvard
and Johns Hopkins. His
perspective brings together the best aspects of many distinct – but related fields – and it is this
intersection of scope and expertise, in addition to an artistic eye, which enables excellent
comprehensive results.
Dr. Steinbacher's approach: technical acumen, meticulousness, and penchant for combining art and
science, together with his eye for balance, beauty, and harmony, helps achieve outcomes that greatly
improve a person's confidence, health, and overall quality of life. Patients can trust that they are
always in good hands!