As we age, the skin loses its elasticity, causing wrinkles and creases to form in the forehead and cause the brows to sag. This often leads to a tired- or angry-looking appearance. If you’re thinking about a brow lift or forehead lift to attain a more youthful appearance, read on for facts about this surgery and the different approaches to help you achieve your ideal results.
Brow lift surgery removes or alters the muscles above your eyes to smooth lines and wrinkles and raise the eyebrows for a more youthful appearance. There are two different methods. The endoscopic brow lift is the preferred method as it makes for easier recovery and invisible scarring. Three to five incisions are made within the hairline. A tiny instrument with a camera on the end is inserted into one of the incisions to help provide visuals and guides the other tools that are inserted through the other tiny incisions to manipulate the skin and muscles.
A coronal brow lift is a traditional brow lift that consists of making one long incision that runs from one ear, wraps around the forehead, and ends at the other ear. The forehead skin is lifted away, while underlying muscles are trimmed and repositioned. Eyebrows can be lifted at this time as well. Excess skin is trimmed and the remaining skin is re-draped before closing the incision. The incision and resulting scars are hidden in the hairline.
Brow lift patients are usually between the ages of 40 and 60 and are unhappy with the sagging skin and lines on their foreheads. If you have horizontal lines across your forehead, you would be a good candidate for surgery. If you have vertical lines between your eyebrows, also known as the “11” lines, or crow’s feet at the sides of your eyes, you are a candidate for brow lift surgery. Good candidates also have an overall sagging to their brows that makes them appear tired or angry, even when they aren’t.
Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and pulled the skin above the eyes up and away? Patients who are curious to know if they would benefit from a brow lift can perform this simple test. First, take the lower palms of your hands and place them above each eyebrow. Next, pull the palms up and away from your eyes. What you see is essentially what a brow lift would accomplish.
To learn whether a brow lift is right for you, call (203) 453-6635 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Derek Steinbacher.
Dr. Derek Steinbacher has devoted his life to
aesthetic and life-changing surgery. He is an artistic and meticulous surgeon who draws patients
from around the world due to his perspective, unmatched skill, and exceptional results. He is able
to uniquely address the face (facelift +
rejuvenation), jawline (orthognathic; chin; contouring; implants), nasal (rhinoplasty), eyelids, profile, neck, breast, and body with
one-of-a-kind results.
He is a multiple Board-Certified, Fellowship-Trained Plastic, Cosmetic, and Cranio-Maxillofacial
Surgery. He is Fellow of the most prestigious surgical organizations, including the Society of
Plastic Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the
Academy of Facial
Plastic Surgery, Societies of Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery, the Aesthetic
Society, and the Rhinoplasty Society. He has served as Full-Professor
of Plastic Surgery at Yale, including Director of the Cleft and Craniofacial Program, and Chief of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Dr. Steinbacher has unparalleled training at premier institutions,
including Harvard
and Johns Hopkins. His
perspective brings together the best aspects of many distinct – but related fields – and it is this
intersection of scope and expertise, in addition to an artistic eye, which enables excellent
comprehensive results.
Dr. Steinbacher's approach: technical acumen, meticulousness, and penchant for combining art and
science, together with his eye for balance, beauty, and harmony, helps achieve outcomes that greatly
improve a person's confidence, health, and overall quality of life. Patients can trust that they are
always in good hands!